Ads you Should be Running in October

If you’re an e-comm business preparing for a busy Q4, you already know that the ads you run on the build up to Black Friday/Cyber Monday etc are every bit as important as the ads which go out for the big offers.

Critically, you need to know which creative, copy, CTAs, placements etc are working with your audience, and which offers are going to have the greatest impact. But another huge piece of the puzzle is building up some valuable audiences and ‘warming them up’.

A couple of ads you could consider for October which will build your audiences for the holiday season are:

  • Video views - building an audience of video views is a cheap route to retargeting. Depending on the video, we’d recommend keeping the bar fairly high, minimum 50% of the video viewed in order to drop into a retargeting audience.

  • Traffic to specific pages on your website which can be retargeted with website views. Again, traffic ads are going to be cheaper, but can be useful to drive new audiences to articles or informative content which may warm them up for an offer.

Whilst we’re still on audiences, have you tested running leads ads to build your email subscriber lists? Email lists are golden on two counts - they are data you own, which cannot be messed with (looking at you Facebook), and they are a valuable source of data which can be uploaded to your ads platform (loving you again Facebook) and used for retargeting and lookalikes.

A leads campaign won’t compete with a sales campaign, so they can be run alongside one another.

Finally, October is the time for the last big push on building any social proof. Great engagement on your ads will be a vital string to your bow come peak sales season.

We’re currently deep into prepping for a bumper Q4 for our clients - if you have any questions about Q4 campaigns, we’re happy to help.


A Blast of Ad Creative Inspiration!


Is your Ads Manager Always 'testing'?